· A suitable husband by Jessica Steele, , Mills Boon edition, in English - Large print ed/5(3). A Suitable Husband By Jessica Steele - FictionDB. Cover art, synopsis, sequels, reviews, awards, publishing history, genres, and time period. Lata’s mother is determined to find her a husband – a suitable boy – but Lata, torn between family duty and the excitement of romance, embarks on her own, epic journey of love and self. · A SUITABLE HUSBAND by Jessica Steele. NOOK Book (eBook - Original) $ Sign in to Purchase Instantly Jessica Steele started work as a junior clerk when she was sixteen but her husband spurred Jessica on to her writing career, giving her every support while she did what she considers her five-year apprenticeship (the rejection years Brand: Harlequin.
A Suitable Husband Lukas Tavinor insisted that Jermaine come and nurse her sister Edwina who d been staying chez Tavinor Once installed at Edwina s beck and call Jermaine was peeved to find Lukas had other tasks in min Title: A Suitable Husband; Author: Jessica Steele; ISBN: ; Page: ; Format: Paperback. Lukas Travinor demanded that Jermaine move into his home to nurse her sister, Edwina, who was claiming to have hurt her back in order to stay with Lukas. To add insult to injury, Lukas insisted Jermaine act as his temporary. A Suitable Husband: Harlequin comics. by Jessica Steele, Hiroko Miura. NOOK Book (eBook) $ Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Available on Compatible NOOK Devices and the free NOOK Apps. WANT A NOOK?
Read "A Suitable Husband (Harlequin Comics) Harlequin Comics" by Jessica Steele available from Rakuten Kobo. Since they were children, Jermaine's sister, Edwina, has stolen every male friend and lover from her. A Suitable Husband by Jessica Steele is about sisters Jermaine and Edwina meeting brothers Lukas and Ash Travinor. There are some major love triangle (or quadrangle even) vibes going on, but it’s handled pretty well. So Jermaine is the uglier, responsible, down-to-earth sister to the beautiful, spoiled, aspiring-to-be-a-trophy-wife Edwina. Jessica Steele started work as a junior clerk when she was sixteen but her husband spurred Jessica on to her writing career, giving her every support while she did what she considers her five-year apprenticeship (the rejection years) while learning how to write.