· Wrong email address or username. «Back Send. New to BookLikes? Sign up!Missing: E. Ayers. - PM E. Ayers A Snowy Christmas in Wyoming Andy Coyote settled into the job as foreman on the Coleman ranch He s got custody of his thirteen month old daughter and the situation is perfect for both of them until Caroline Coleman returns home f. · Review: A Snowy Christmas in Wyoming by E. Ayers. Posted Decem by Sophia Rose in Reviews / 0 Comments. Tags: A Snowy Christmas in Wyoming, Contemporary Romance, Contemporary Western Romance, E. Ayers.
Wrong email address or username. «Back Send. New to BookLikes? Sign up! E. Ayers 10 on A Snowy Christmas in Wyoming [A Snowy Christmas in Wyoming (Creeds Crossing #1)] EBOOK I never really got into this one Didn't finishThere were many writing errors that left me confused or having to reread guessing what the author was really trying to say Then it got too sexual without chemistry having been built. The workshop will be led by Author E. Ayers. E. Ayers is best known for her historical westerns. Her first full-length historical western, A Rancher's Woman, was added to an American Indian encyclopaedia for the accurate portrayal of the Crow tribe. A Snowy Christmas in Wyoming, that triggered her journey into historical westerns when.
- A Snowy Christmas In Wyoming by E. Ayers review, Contemporary Western Romance in a holiday setting. Elizabeth Ayers (E Ayers) is on Facebook. Ebook Lovers, A Snowy Christmas in Wyoming (Contemporary Romance), Anne Ashby, Dawn Chandler Author. E. Ayers 10 on A Snowy Christmas in Wyoming (Creeds Crossing #1) 10 thoughts on.