· A Regency Christmas V Posted on by Gayle Buck Mary Balogh Laura Matthews Emily Hendrickson Sandra Heath Set in Regency England and America, here are five Christmas love stories that are at once humorous, deeply romantic, and full of holiday lore Authors include Mary Balogh, Jo Beverly, Sandra Heath, Edith Layton, and. A Regency Christmas Signet Christmas Anthology by Gayle Buck, Mary Balogh, Sandra Heath, Emily Hendrickson, Laura Matthews ★ ★ ★ ★ ; 3 Ratings 7 Want to 4/5(3). A Regency Christmas V by Mary Balogh, Gayle Buck, Sandra Heath, Emily Hendrickson and Laura Matthews - book cover, description, publication www.doorway.ru: Mary Balogh.
A REGENCY CHRISTMAS I - stars overall Old Acquaintances by Gayle Buck - stars - rated pg/very mild pg13 - Former (betrothed) loves separated by misunderstanding ten years ago and now brought back together by snowstorm and Hero's young runaway cousin. Not great story, but pretty good for a short story. The Duke's Progress by Edith Layton - stars - rated pg13/mild r-lite due to open. Another collection of Regency set Christmas tales. This isn't the best collection but some of the stories are nice. Under the Kissing Bough by Sandra Heath is a sweet romantic tale unnecessarily complicated by an extremely nasty lady. Sir Philip Levington escapes London with a broken engagement and a broken heart, or so he thinks. Gayle Buck's Regency romances seem more authentic to me than many of the Regency romances out there nowadays. Things are more formal and stiff, and true feelings aren't necessarily discussed. But I feel that this is probably more like things were back then: politeness and etiquette at all costs.
Great narration in Regency short story. Season of Joy by Gayle Buck is a Christmastime short story set in Regency England. After Lord Robert discovers his betrothed (Elizabeth) in the arms of her childhood friend before he heads off to war, Robert refuses to believe her protestations of innocence and immediately goes off to war himself. A Regency Christmas V book. Read 14 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Set in Regency England and America, here are five Christmas l. Internet Archive. Language. English. p. ; 18 cm. Under the kissing bough / by Sandra Heath -- Season of joy / by Gayle Buck -- The viscount and the hoyden / by Laura Matthews -- The Christmas mouse / by Emily Hendrickson -- No room at the inn / by Mary Balogh. Spine title: A Regency Christmas V.