Tinsel My Heart by Christi Barth is a fantasy romance story. It's the fantasy of reconnecting with someone from your past, and for this story it was high school friends that drifted apart. The reunion of Becca and Jack in the beginning isn't a happy one, but the two eventually reconnect and discover they have more in common as adults then when they were in high school/5(11). · Tinsel My Heart. by Christi Barth. NOOK Book (eBook - Original) $ Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Available on Compatible NOOK Devices and the free NOOK Apps. Christi Barth writes sassy, sexy and smart contemporary romances. She earned a Masters degree in vocal performance and embarked upon a career on the stage. A love of romance then Brand: Carina Press. Tinsel My Heart - Ebook written by Christi Barth. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Tinsel My Heart.
Tinsel My Heart by Christi Barth. Producing a holiday spectacular is hard enough work. Doing it with a director who hates everything about Christmas is twice as hard. And when that director is her bad-boy crush from high school, things look impossible until the kissing starts Season of Second Chances by Brighton Walsh. Tinsel My Heart by Christi Barth Kind of second chance romance. Set in Minneapolis in the winter (I feel cold just reading that.) Really good. I find myself infuriated by the way a) the heroine's family, especially her mother, treated her, and b) the way the hero's friends parents hate him based on, nothing, from what I can tell. TITLE: Tinsel My Heart AUTHOR: Christi Barth Becca Huntley is the producer of a celebrated, huge Christmas show in Minneapolis. This year the show is crucial for the Lyndale Park Players' financial viability, so of course, something goes massively wrong. Tyler, a school friend of Becca's who has become a famous Hollywood director and has been.
Tinsel My Heart. Christi Barth. • 1 Rating; More Books by Christi Barth. Friends To Lovers. Never Too Late. The Princess Problem. Wanting It All. Read "Tinsel My Heart" by Christi Barth available from Rakuten Kobo. Becca Huntley's produced the Lyndale Park Players' over-the-top Christmas show for ten years. It's a beloved Minneapolis. Tinsel My Heart. Becca Huntley's produced the Lyndale Park Players' over-the-top Christmas show for ten years. It's a beloved Minneapolis tradition, and the theater's main fundraiser. But this year's production is in danger of being canceled when their director disappears into rehab. Good thing his directing partner steps in to save the day.