Verified Purchase. Kenneth Bonert's new novel, "The Lion Seeker", will garner Amazon reviews that'll run the gamut between 5 star and 1 star. And all the reviewers will have the right reasons for either being repelled by the book, or as in my case, finding it brilliantly written/5(75). A thrilling ride through the life of one fumbling young hero, The Lion Seeker is a glorious reinvention of the classic family and coming-of-age sagas. We are caught - hearts open and wrecked - between the urgent ambitions of a mother who knows what it takes to survive and a son straining against the responsibilities of the old world, even as he is endowed with the freedoms of the new. Bonert's coming-of-age novel captures the reader because of its historical perspective, diverse characters, and narrative through the lives of immigrants. What other novels have intrigued readers in this same manner? How does The Lion Seeker use or upend these narrative traditions? How does it compare to other Jewish literature: Saul Bellow.
Kenneth Bonert's new novel, "The Lion Seeker", will garner Amazon reviews that'll run the gamut between 5 star and 1 star. And all the reviewers will have the right reasons for either being repelled by the book, or as in my case, finding it brilliantly written. "The Lion Seeker" tells the story of the Jewish Helger family - parents and two. The lion seeker. [Kenneth Bonert; OverDrive, Inc.] -- Are you a stupid or a clever? Such is the refrain in Isaac Helger's mind as he makes his way from redheaded hooligan to searching adolescent to striving young man on the make. His mother's question. The Lion Seeker by Kenneth Bonert. Click here for the lowest price! Paperback, ,
Kenneth Bonert's new novel, "The Lion Seeker", will garner Amazon reviews that'll run the gamut between 5 star and 1 star. And all the reviewers will have the right reasons for either being repelled by the book, or as in my case, finding it brilliantly written. Review: 'The Lion Seeker,' By Kenneth Bonert Before World War II, numerous Jewish emigrants left Lithuania for South Africa. In his debut novel, Kenneth Bonert tells the story of a family among. Bonert's coming-of-age novel captures the reader because of its historical perspective, diverse characters, and narrative through the lives of immigrants. What other novels have intrigued readers in this same manner? How does The Lion Seeker use or upend these narrative traditions? How does it compare to other Jewish literature: Saul Bellow.