Ebook {Epub PDF} Tales of the Questor by Ralph E. Hayes Jr.

Ralph Hayes Junior is a forty-something Christian bachelor living in a trailer park in Marietta, Ohio. He is the author of several online comic strips and has several self-published volumes of his strips both in hardcopy and on CD.4/5.  · Tales of the Questor — 3 Comments. Called it on the Luxpistol/shotgun thingy. Quentin can get some serious “Air” when he jumps. Not as high as the Brownies and Gnomes percentage wise to body hight, but still. Actually, with those boots I think he might out-jump them. Sam Smiles like a used Car salesman, Uncle Lenny would be proud.  · Tales of the Questor book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers/5(1).

Tales of the Questor It starts out corny for a reason. Just get past the first 5 comics, and I promise you'll find an actually good story.:smallwink Well, I've seen this plugged in a couple other topics, but it doesn't have its own thread and I think it deserves one. Tales of the Questor (http. Ralph Hayes, Jr, is a writer and artist with a predilection for Funny Animals, but who works in a number of types within the Furry Comic, He is also My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic S1 E10 "Swarm of the. RHJunior. Emboîture Ralph Hayes, I make two webcomics- Tales of the Questor, and Quentyn. Eternals Opening Weekend - The Loop. Do you like this video? Play Sound. Tales of the Questor is a webcomic by one Ralph Hayes (RH) Junior. It tells the tale of Quentyn, a young anthropomorphic raccoon (or "Rac Cona Daimh" or "Racconan" but who are we kidding.

Tales of the Questor book. Read 2 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. The saga continues as Quentyn confronts crime, conspiracies, an. Tales of the Questor — 3 Comments. Called it on the Luxpistol/shotgun thingy. Quentin can get some serious “Air” when he jumps. Not as high as the Brownies and Gnomes percentage wise to body hight, but still. Actually, with those boots I think he might out-jump them. Sam Smiles like a used Car salesman, Uncle Lenny would be proud. Tales of the Questor; First Comic: This work by Ralph E. Hayes, Jr is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International License.


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