Roger Riccard has 17 books on Goodreads with ratings. Roger Riccard’s most popular book is Sherlock Holmes and the Twelve Days of Christmas. Roger Riccard, one of the most respected Sherlock Holmes authors, has again taken pen in hand to bring forth the third set of five adventures in a new series of short stories for your entertainment. The Kaiser Role – Picking up where The Case of the Gunsmith of Sherwood left off, Mycroft Holmes insists that his brother follow and stop the Heligoland rebel, Lady Lydia Wyt, in her plot against Kaiser . Sherlock Holmes book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. Roger Riccard, has once again delved into his imagination to create short 4/5(1).
Meripustak: Sherlock Holmes Further Adventures For The Twelve Days Of Christmas Sherlock Holmes 12 Days Of Christmas 2 Of 2, Author(s)-Roger Riccard, Publisher-Baker Street Studios Limited, ISBN, Pages, Binding-Paperback, Language-English, Publish Year Quotes by Roger Riccard. "This above all, to thine own self be true. And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.". ― Roger Riccard, Sherlock Holmes and the Twelve Days of Christmas. 0 likes. Sherlock Holmes: Further Adventures for the Twelve Days of Christmas: Sherlock Holmes 12 Days of Christmas 2 of 2 by Roger Riccard, , available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide.
This third book by Roger Riccard brings forth a series of six short stories occurring during the Christmas seasons of Sherlock Holmes' career, with each title taking its name from the carol, The Twelve Days of Christmas. In this first volume we meet The Seventh Swann, The Eighth Milkmaid, The Ninth Ladyship at the Dance, The Tenth Lord Leaping, The Eleven Pipe Problem and. Roger Riccard, one of the most respected Sherlock Holmes authors, has again taken pen in hand to bring forth the third set of five adventures in a new series of short stories for your entertainment. The Kaiser Role – Picking up where The Case of the Gunsmith of Sherwood left off, Mycroft Holmes insists that his brother follow and stop the Heligoland rebel, Lady Lydia Wyt, in her plot against Kaiser Wilhelm II. Sherlock Holmes and the Twelve Days of Christmas: An enthralling collection of festive mysteries - Kindle edition by Riccard, Roger. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets.