Secret Santa - Kindle edition by Cheney, Kristine. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note /5(55). · 25 Days of Christmas continues with Kristine Cheney! Here's an excerpt from her Christmas novella, Secret Santa, as well as a chance to win a copy for yourself!SECRET SANTA BY KRISTINE CHENEY BACK COVER BLURB Holly Gordon’s estrangement from her family makes loneliness of the Christmas season hit close to home. Volunteering for the annual. · Secret Santa book. Read 37 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Holly Gordon's estrangement from her family makes loneliness of the Ch.
This year's $1 trillion infrastructure bill easily cleared the Senate by a vote with some GOP support. But the bill crawled through the House last week by a margin with just Purchase Books from Author Kristine Cheney. LINKS! HOME BOOKS! NEWS EVENTS BIO COMING SOON! AWARDS REVIEWS CONTACT BLOG GET YOUR BOOKS TODAY! SECRET SANTA (E-BOOK PAPERBACK) Holly Gordon's estrangement from her family makes loneliness of the Christmas season hit close to home. KRISTINE CHENEY is an award-winning, best-selling author of paranormal, contemporary, and inspirational romance. Her credits include the Spartan Heart Saga, namely, Spartan Heart Part One, Spartan Heart Part Two, and Spartan Surrender, the faith-based inspirational romance, Judah's Alibi, and the holiday smash hit, Secret Santa.
Secret Santa by Kristine Cheney- a review. Secret Santa by Kristine Cheney. Holly Gordon is making a new life for herself in a small town and understands the loneliness of the Christmas season so she volunteers for the town’s secret santa program. Unfortunately, Holly gets a Scrooge as the recipient of her gifts. This was her seventh year participating in the Ashton Falls Secret Santa Program. Callers to the town’s charity hotline knew the annual holiday drill. Day after day, several residents left pleading messages, volunteering the names of precious spirits they felt in desperate need of cheer. 25 Days of Christmas continues with Kristine Cheney! Here's an excerpt from her Christmas novella, Secret Santa, as well as a chance to win a copy for yourself!SECRET SANTA BY KRISTINE CHENEY BACK COVER BLURB Holly Gordon’s estrangement from her family makes loneliness of the Christmas season hit close to home.