One Hundred Thirty-Six Scars (The Devil's Own, #1) - Kindle edition by Jones, Amo. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading One Hundred Thirty-Six Scars (The Devil's Own, #1)/5(). · The final time the cold blade pushed up against my thigh, and I waited for my blood to trickle over the other One hundred and thirty-six scars that covered my skin— never came. Who was this man who just saved me? book by amo jones. book by nathan jones. xlibris corporation book. Explore More Items. Amo The Gator Is ID: · One Hundred Thirty-Six Scars. Amo Jones. 7,4 / 10 9 ocen. 2 opinii Uwielbiam Amo Jones, bo pisze bardzo mroczne, pokręcone historie, jest to typowy mroczny dark. Meadow i Beast od dziecka przeszli piekło ale umieli się po nim podnieść, choć pamiętali krzywdy jakie im zrobiono ruszyli dalej i to mi się w nich podobało, minęły /10(9).
The final time the cold blade pushed up against my thigh, and I waited for my blood to trickle over the other One hundred and thirty-six scars that covered my skin— never came. Who was this man who just saved me? book by amo jones. book by nathan jones. xlibris corporation book. Explore More Items. Amo The Gator Is Waiting. One Hundred Thirty-Six Scars(7) By: Amo Jones Following closely behind Donald, I was clutching the plastic bags in my hand as we walked up the concrete stairs to our apartment. Amy Jones. перейти к странице they move with no fear of the vagrants and miscreants who despise them and their work-—until one enraged girl, barely more than a child, hurls a stone at the hated invaders and effortlessly penetrates their magical shield.
One Hundred Thirty-Six Scars. Amo Jones. • 46 Ratings. $ $ Publisher Description. Meadow. I was four years old when I learnt what evilness the world could bring. I fought through life with my scarred soul, wrangled through the dark empty nights where I'd pray I didn't wake up the next morning. The final time the cold blade pushed up against my thigh, and I waited for my blood to trickle over the other One hundred and thirty-six scars that covered my skin- never came. Who was this man who just saved me? He had no idea how close I came to ending myself that day. One Hundred Thirty-Six Scars by Amo Jones ( Stars) Beast has been raised by a nefarious organisation called ‘The Army’. From a young boy he has been groomed to do evil for this company. While there, he knows that there is more to life and he keeps trying to break free. After several attempts he finally breaks out with his friend Hella.