Christie Ridgway is an American romance author. Ridgway has written for many publishing houses, including Silhouette and Avon. Biography. Christie Ridgway grew up in California, and began writing romance when she was eleven years old. Mistletoe and Mayhem () (with Judi McCoy, Katherine Hall Page, Joanne Pence). · In the first story of this collection, Out on a Limb by Christie Ridgway, readers meet Stacy Banks, an unassuming kindergarten teacher who never takes risks in her life. This year, just in time for Christmas, she decides to chance it and ask her sexy neighbor, Ryan, to attend a /5(3). Mistletoe and Mayhem by Christie Ridgway (Goodreads Author), Katherine Hall Page, Judi McCoy, Joanne Pence (Goodreads Author) In the tradition of Avon's successful anthologies, four of our brightest mystery and romance authors unite to bring us a wonderful collection of Christmas mysteries and tales of romantic suspense, with each author's.
Christie Ridgway grew up in California, and began writing romance when she was eleven years old. She developed a crush on the boy on the cover of the latest Tigerbeat magazine and realized that the only way she would ever meet him was in her imagination. She wrote a series of romantic stories in. If Mistletoe and Mayhem is any indication of how things are, the romance authors will have to enlist the mystery authors for a postmortem autopsy for where they In Christie Ridgway's Out on a Limb, our heroine Stacy Banks finally gets the courage to ask her sexy neighbor Ryan to be her Christmas date. By Christie Ridgway. Add Book To Favorites. Sign up to save your library. Must Love Mistletoe. Copy and paste the code into your website.
Mistletoe and mayhem by Christie Ridgway, , Avon Books edition, in English. In the first story of this collection, Out on a Limb by Christie Ridgway, readers meet Stacy Banks, an unassuming kindergarten teacher who never takes risks in her life. This year, just in time for Christmas, she decides to chance it and ask her sexy neighbor, Ryan, to attend a Christmas party with her. Mistletoe and Mayhem by Katherine Hall Page; Christie Ridgway; Judi McCoy; Joanne Pence and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at