Holiday Hideout: An Anthology - Kindle edition by Thompson, Vicki Lewis, Shalvis, Jill, Kenner, Julie. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Holiday Hideout: An Anthology/5(19). Better Naughty Than Nice also includes stories by Rhonda Nelson and Vicki Lewis Thompson. Born on the 4th of July also has stories from Karen Foley and Rhonda Nelson. More Than Words: Vol. 7 is co-authored by Donna Hill and Carly Phillips. Holiday Hideout also has stories by Julie Kenner and Vicki Lewis Thompson. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Holiday Hideout: The Thanksgiving Fix\The Christmas Set-Up\The New Year's Deal (Harlequin Anthologies) [Mass Market Paperback] at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.
HIDEOUT: a place to escape detection, especially when being chased by someone determined to have revenge When Griffin Bing and his friends first met Luthor, he was a vicious attack dog working for the slimy S. Wendell Palomino - as known as Swindle. The kids rescued Luthor, and never thought they'd see Swindle again. Holiday Hideout By: Vicki Lewis Thompson. PROLOGUE Once upon a time, a middle-aged couple named Ken and Jillian Vickers rented a cozy cottage overlooking Lake Tahoe in hopes that a weekend away would revitalize their marriage. The plan worked so well that they bought the cottage. But it was far too small to accommodate their children and. monkey-wrench-harlequin-family-saga-may 2/7 Downloaded from on Novem by guest geographical setting, or genre.
Holiday Hideout Vicki Lewis Thompson Author Jill Shalvis Author () Vicki Lewis Thompson Author () Cupid Cats Katie MacAlister Author. "Holiday Hideout" is a collection of three holiday-themed short stories penned by Vicki Lewis Thompson, Jill Shavis, and Julie Kenner respectively. It's the kind of heart warming read that bases itself in a bit of a vantage point scenario - three couples, three different holidays, one cabin and quite a bit of hooking up. The Thanksgiving Fix by Vicki Lewis Thompson Finding Mr. Right is the furthest thing from Beth Davis’s mind when the Reno professor takes Thanksgiving break at a colleague’s Lake Tahoe cabin. Until Coinneach McFarland arrives to fix a suspicious leak. It looks like somebody’s playing matchmaker for two people sworn to stay single.