Ebook {Epub PDF} High Heels and Holidays by Kasey Michaels

 · High Heels and Holidays by Michaels, Kasey. Show all copies. Summary; Discuss; Reviews (0).  · High Heels and Holidays by Kasey Michaels. Click here for the lowest price! Paperback, ,  · Kasey Michaels. Publisher. Kensington. Release. 01 November Share. Subjects Fiction Mystery. Search for a digital library with this title. Search by city, ZIP code, or library name. Learn more about precise location detection. Title found at these libraries: High Heels and Holidays.

Choose the best match for your order. After Mastering The Art Of Wearing High Heels|Chyna Gordon we get all the information, we find the best expert for your work. We can suggest several candidates, and you will choose the one you like best. Title: High Heels and Holidays (Maggie Kelly Mysteries) Author (s): Kasey Michaels. ISBN: / (USA edition) Publisher: Kensington. Availability: Amazon Amazon UK Amazon CA Amazon AU. November USA Paperback. Title: High Heels and Holidays. Author (s): Kasey Michaels. High Heels and Holidays is a reissue of Kasey Michaels' fifth installment of the Maggie Kelly books. This series has been so much fun to read and this installment was not an exception. The main characters are dynamic and the whole cast lovable, especially the sweet, innocent Sterling.

High Heels and Holidays. Kasey Michaels. Kensington Books, - Fiction - pages. 2 Reviews. Spending their first Christmas together, mystery author Maggie Kelly. Find many great new used options and get the best deals for High Heels and Holidays by Kasey Michaels (, UK-B Format Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay!. High Heels and Holidays is a reissue of Kasey Michaels' fifth installment of the Maggie Kelly books. This series has been so much fun to read and this installment was not an exception. The main characters are dynamic and the whole cast lovable, especially the sweet, innocent Sterling.


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