The author of more than 16 novels to date, Nina Bangs has published with Dorchester and NAL. Nominated for four Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Awards, she won in for Best Shapeshifter Romance (Eternal Craving)/5(38). Eternal Craving (Leisure Paranormal Romance) [Bangs, Nina] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Eternal Craving (Leisure Paranormal Romance)/5(40). 7 rows · · Nina Bangs never fails to come up with unique ideas and Eternal Craving is no exception. This ISBN
Eternal Craving Nina Bangs Leisure, May , $ ISBN: Fin created the Eleven to counteract humanity's enemy Zero whose plan is the destruction of mankind to coincide with the Mayan calendar prediction of the end at Fin's fighters use human bodies just like Zero's. Al Endeka takes the form of an ancient predator as he stalks the immortals intent on wiping humanity from the face of the Earth. Jenna Maloy fights by his side, but will she have the courage to claim a piece of his soul? Eternal Craving Nina Bangs Book Trailer Find out more here Buy it here. My Thoughts Eternal Craving is the second installment in the Gods of Night series by Nina Bangs. Having already read the first and most recent books in the series, I have always wanted to read this one, so I couldn't find it in paperback so I decided to get it in E Book form.
The author of more than 16 novels to date, Nina Bangs has published with Dorchester and NAL. Nominated for four Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Awards, she won in for Best Shapeshifter Romance (Eternal Craving). Eternal Craving by Nina Bangs. Click here for the lowest price! Audio CD, , "Eternal Craving" is the next book in Nina Bangs' 'Gods of the Night' series about deadly predators in human bodies fighting an alliance of evil to save humans from the end of the world as predicted by the Mayan calendar.