Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s. Dear Santa (eBook) by Karen Templeton (Author), isbn, synopsis:HIS DAUGHTERamp;#39;S BIRTH MADE HIM A FATHER. BECOMI. Dear Santa. [Rod Campbell] -- Lift the flaps to unwrap each present - including a specialtouch-and-feel suprise at the end! A lift-the-flap Christmas book by the creator of Dear Zoo Read more Reviews. User-contributed reviews Tags. Add tags for "Dear Santa". Be the first.
Read "Dear Santa" by Karen Templeton available from Rakuten Kobo. His daughter's birth made him a father. Becoming a daddy would take a bit longer. Connecticut mogul Grant Braeburn neve. Dear Santa. by Karen Templeton. Miniseries: Guys And Daughters (Book #1). On Sale: . This has been added to your cart. Dear Santa. by. Karen Templeton. Nov KAREN TEMPLETON, a bestselling author and RITA® Award nominee, is the mother of five sons and living proof that romance and dirty nappies are Dear Reader, Like every other five-year-old, at some point I asked my mother if Santa was real. Since the gifts were all piled in a corner of my parents'.
Dear Santa (Guys and Daughters, 1) [Templeton, Karen] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Dear Santa (Guys and Daughters, 1). Dear Santa. [Rod Campbell] -- Lift the flaps to unwrap each present - including a specialtouch-and-feel suprise at the end! A lift-the-flap Christmas book by the creator of Dear Zoo Read more Reviews. User-contributed reviews Tags. Add tags for "Dear Santa". Be the first. Read "Dear Santa" by Karen Templeton available from Rakuten Kobo. HIS DAUGHTER'S BIRTH MADE HIM A FATHER. BECOMING A DADDY WOULD TAKE A BIT LONGER. Connecticut mogul Grant Braeburn neve.