· CoT: A Hero’s Heart by Amber Daulton. Posted by Krys Rayne November 6, Septem Posted in Critters on Tour Tags: A Hero's Heart, Amber Daulton, CoT, romantic suspense. Publisher: Books to Go Now Release Date: November 3 rd, ASIN: B00GFCZI40 ISBN Audio ASIN: B00PRB7GM2. A HERO'S HEART IS A ROMANTIC, SUSPENSEFUL, AND HOT LOVE STORY. THERE IS SO MUCH PASSION AND CHEMISTRY BETWEEN MARISSA AND JARRETT, IT STEAMS UP THE PAGES. I LOVED THE STORY LINE AND MARISSA AND JARRETT TOGETHER. JARRETT HAD SUCH A HARD LIFE AND HE WAS ALWAYS COMPETING AGAINST HIS BROTHER FOR THEIR FATHER'S /5(37). · Nov 8th A Hero’s Heart by Amber Daulton. Happy holidays to all! Give a big welcome to Amber Daulton author of A Hero’s Heart. Have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee. Choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip or Peanut butter cookie from the plate.
Welcome Jarrett Brandt from A Hero's Heart, a new Romantic Suspense by Amber Daulton. Meet Jarrett Brandt Age: 28 Gender: Male Birthplace: Washington State Profession: DEA agent Ethnicity: Caucasian Please provide a physical description of yourself. I'm a little over six feet tall. I have chin-length dark-brown hair, and it's. A Hero's Heart|Amber Daulton, Against The Current: Onward, Ever Onward (The Extraordinary Life Of An Ordinary Woman) (Volume 5)|Victoria Farnsworth, Honeybuzzard|Angela Carter, A Man After God's Own Heart: God's Relationship With David And With You|R. T. Kendall. A Hero's Heart|Amber Daulton, Gladly Lerne, Gladly Teche: Memoirs Of The First Thirty-five Years Of Croftinloan School, |Hugo Brown, Library Of Doom|Michael Dahl, The World Market For Marine Mammal Fats, Oils, And Their Fractions: A Global Trade Perspective|Icon Group International.
A Hero’s Heart. Lies. Betrayal. A million-dollar bounty. After an undercover mission goes awry, DEA agent Jarrett Brandt hides out in the last place he wants to be—his hometown. Now he’s stuck with his judgmental parents and the memory of his perfect brother hanging over his head. His one bright light?. CoT: A Hero’s Heart by Amber Daulton Posted by Krys Rayne November 6, Septem Posted in Critters on Tour Tags: A Hero's Heart, Amber Daulton, CoT, romantic suspense Publisher: Books to Go Now. Nov 8th A Hero’s Heart by Amber Daulton. Happy holidays to all! Give a big welcome to Amber Daulton author of A Hero’s Heart. Have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee. Choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip or Peanut butter cookie from the plate.