A father's prayer - time of grace - blog - post A father's prayer. “Blessed is the man you discipline, O Lord, the man you teach from your law; you grant him relief from days of trouble, till a pit [PDF] Models Of www.doorway.ru A father's prayer by linda wood rondeau - goodreads A . · A Father's Prayer by Linda Wood Rondeau. Click here for the lowest price! Paperback, , A Father's Prayer is a poignant and heartfelt romance that delves into the complexities of not only romantic love, but the love of family and love for a special needs child. The Christmas theme keeps the story warm and cozy; the romance will take your breath away. Richly drawn characters round out the story and will keep readers coming back for more/5(92).
A Father's Prayer|Linda Wood Rondeau, The rights of war and peace: including the law of nature and of nations|A C. Campbell, The Water Witch|James Fenimore Cooper, Complete Strangers|Mickeal Tanner. Inspirational author, Linda Wood Rondeau shares insight into her real life romance plus a chance to win a gift certificate for 1 choice of 5 of her e-book titles or a $ coupon toward a print copy. Comment or answer the question at the end of this post to enter the drawing. Deadline: Nov 5th, [ ]. Coming in time for Christmas two revised books: It Really Is A Wonderful Life and A Father's Prayer. ABOUT LINDA WOOD RONDEAU. A veteran social worker, the author's published works examine the complexities of human relationships. Most of Linda's work is contemporary fiction. However, she has published both speculative and non-fiction.
A Father's Prayer Posted on by Linda Wood Rondeau A Father s Prayer A year after learning of a son s existence country music legend Ethan Jacobs returns to Jasper Falls a place of bitter memories to help the his twelve year old autistic child given up for adoptio. A father's prayer - time of grace - blog - post A father's prayer. “Blessed is the man you discipline, O Lord, the man you teach from your law; you grant him relief from days of trouble, till a pit [PDF] Models Of www.doorway.ru A father's prayer by linda wood rondeau - goodreads A Father's Prayer has ratings and 25 reviews. "A Father's Prayer: An Autistic Child, A Father's Love, a Woman's Heartbreak " by Linda Wood Rondeau is really a five star story, I wish I could give it more! This story is a love story and a story of second chances. I really was drawn into the story from the first sentence! I loved the ending.