Ebook {Epub PDF} Whats in a Name? by Pat Henshaw

 · By Pat Henshaw. 6 reviews Reviewers on the Wicked Reads Review Team were provided a free audiobook copy of What's in a Name? (Foothills Pride #1) by Pat Henshaw, narrated by David Ross to listen to and review. really enjoyed this, great narration too. By debbiereadsbook.  · What’s in a Name? By Pat Henshaw (first of the Foothills series) Jimmy Patterson Is having the worst night of his life. Dumped by his boyfriend on his birthday, Jimmy decides to drown his sorrows at the Stonewall, the lone gay bar in his small foothills town/5. Pat Henshaw. Pat has lived on both coasts and in the middle of the United States. Pat’s been a book reviewer for too many years to count as well as an English composition instructor and theatrical costumer. Places visited include Canada, Mexico, Europe, Egypt, Nicaragua, and Thailand. Pat's found that people everywhere are remarkably similar/5.

Pat Henshaw. Rating: Stars. Publisher: Dreamspinner Press. Now Jimmy just wants to know the bartender's first name since he's worn a different name tag every time Jimmy's seen him. Filename: What's in a Name? by Pat www.doorway.ru By Pat Henshaw. A Foothills Pride Story. Barista Jimmy Patterson thinks it's a good idea to get rip-roaring drunk on his birthday after he's dumped by While Jimmy's trying to come up with his name, he's distracted by the destruction of his coffee shop and what looks more and more like a hate crime.

After Jimmy nicknames him Guy, the bartender decides to turn guessing his first name into a game, giving Jimmy a guess a day for a week and promising to wine and dine him during that time. If Jimmy’s guess is wrong, he owes Guy a zing-zow, knock-your-socks-off kiss. Pat Henshaw has written a very funny novella that gave me a taste of her style and left me wanting more. Unfortunately it is her debut novella with Dreamspinner Press, so there was no backlist for me to devour (I would have!), but it is the first of a series, and the next novella is Redesigning Max, which contracted so should be out soon. Instead he makes Jimmy a deal that if Jimmy can guess his real name he’ll buy him the motorcycle he’s been after for his birthday. Jimmy and Stone get along right from the start. Stone helps Jimmy to get free from the ex-boyfriend, gives Jimmy a place to crash when needed, helps Jimmy with his new coffee-shop plans and is generally an.


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