What Boys Really Want. Where Hautman’s The Big Crunch () was an aching and soulful romance, this is the flip side: fun, sarcastic, blundering, preposterous, but every bit still a romance. The story is told in the alternating perspectives of two year-old longtime friends, the optimistic, fun-loving Adam and the whip-smart but judgmental Lita. What Boys Really Want I have a new book coming out in January, a romantic comedy called What Boys Really Want. To celebrate, I've created a pseudonymous blog featuring the literary stylings of one "Miz Fitz," who suffers no fools. Posted by Pete Hautman at AM. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Told in the alternating narratives of Adam and Lita, WHAT BOYS REALLY WANT explores the all-encompassing teenage angst of relationships. Adam gets so caught up with his publishing endeavor that he selfishly ignores others around them except for one of the skankiest girls in school/5(5).
You can read more book reviews or buy What Boys Really Want by Pete Hautman at www.doorway.ru Amazon currently charges £ for standard delivery for orders under £20, over which delivery is free. You can read more book reviews or buy What Boys Really Want by Pete Hautman at www.doorway.ru What Boys Really Want|Pete Hautman, Also Known As Blue, Dark Bright (AKA Investigations) (Volume 6)|Kelli Jae Baeli, Zoom In On Bees (Zoom In On Insects!)|Melissa Stewart, SHAKESPEARE FORGIVENESS|William H. Matchett. *What Boys Really Want* has proven me wrong. Defying the old adage, in this case, we really can judge a book by its cover. This cover depicts four presumably teenage girls curiously engrossed in a black book (which cleverly shares the novel's title) emblazoned with a giant question mark.
www.doorway.ru: What Boys Really Want eBook: Hautman, Pete: Kindle Store. Skip to main www.doorway.ru Hello Select your address. With more advance orders from girls than guys, he decides to cater to his buying audience by focusing on what boys really want. He uses Lita's blog as his main source for research, borrowing liberally from his friend without realizing it. What Boys Really Want. Where Hautman’s The Big Crunch () was an aching and soulful romance, this is the flip side: fun, sarcastic, blundering, preposterous, but every bit still a romance. The story is told in the alternating perspectives of two year-old longtime friends, the optimistic, fun-loving Adam and the whip-smart but judgmental Lita.