· The Troll Whisperer b y Sera Trevor. ASIN: BJJQ (Amazon Kindle) Page Count: pages (slim and soulful) Genre: contemporary romance, interracial relationships, family, LGBTQ, male/male relationship. Book Bites: 3 Sentence Intro About What This Story Is. · Series: The Troll Whisperer, Book 2 Author: Sera Trevor Genre: LGBT, Gay Romance Publisher: Independently published Release Date: Ap Pages: At last, the long-awaited sequel to The Troll Whisperer! Noah and Oscar have been married for five years, and now they’ve become parents to an adorable baby girl. Life seems just about 4/5. The Troll Whisperer - Kindle edition by Trevor, Sera. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Troll Whisperer/5().
The Troll Whisperer 2 Nov, by Sera Trevor (). Jun 5, - "the love impulse in men frequently reveals itself in times of conflict" From "Bringing Up Baby," Noah's favorite movie. The quote is very apropos. The Troll Whisperer-Sera Trevor Oscar Lozada is repulsive, and he likes it that way. His apartment is always a wreck, he works at a sewage plant, and he's an abrasive jerk to just about everyone. When he's not out drinking and hooking up with strangers, he trolls people on the Internet for lulz. His life changes when he finds out a.
The long awaited sequel to The Troll Whisperer! Noah and Oscar have been married for five years, and now they’ve become parents to an adorable baby girl. Life seems just about perfect, but a sudden illness puts Noah’s sister Rebecca into a coma, which brings Noah’s mother and father back into his life. This little novella follows Oscar and Noah from 'The Troll Whisperer'. As you can guess it follows their wedding, well, actually their wedding reception. Oscar's family have had bad luck with weddings, something always seems to go wrong, and so he is on edge, fearing The Curse. The Troll Whisperer b y Sera Trevor. ASIN: BJJQ (Amazon Kindle) Page Count: pages (slim and soulful) Genre: contemporary romance, interracial relationships, family, LGBTQ, male/male relationship. Book Bites: 3 Sentence Intro About What This Story Is.