‘The Stolen’ centers around Carly, a confident, chatty and humorous young girl with an appearance as eccentric as her personality; Carly has no real friends and no siblings but she likes it that way, until she meets Merideth, the slightly odd new girl at school, and believes she’s found a 4/5. 7 rows · The Stolen. Alex Shearer. Macmillan Children's, - Astral projection - pages. 3 /5(3). The Stolen by Alex Shearer. ratings, average rating, 37 reviews. The Stolen Quotes Showing of 3. “Time can do all sorts of things. It’s almost like a magician. It can turn autumn into spring and babies into children, seeds into flowers and tadpoles into Author: Alex Shearer.
Alex's recent novel 'The Speed of the Dark' was shortlisted for the Guardian Fiction Prize. Alex Shearer lives with his family in Somerset. He has written more than a dozen books for both adults and children, as well as many successful television series, films, and stage and radio plays. He has had over thirty. Alex Shearer (born 25 June ) is a British novelist and scriptwriter. He was born in Wick, in the north of Scotland. He was born in Wick, in the north of Scotland. Alex Shearer sold his first TV script at the age of 29, after a varied career of some 30 odd jobs. The Stolen by Alex Shearer. Day to Day Cookery:') Favourite Games. Okami, Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tootie, All Mario Games, Guitar Hero, Dance games. Favourite Gaming Platform. Ps2, Xbox, PSP, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Tools of the Trade. My laptop. Any SLR I can gt my hands on. Other Interests.
‘The Stolen’ centers around Carly, a confident, chatty and humorous young girl with an appearance as eccentric as her personality; Carly has no real friends and no siblings but she likes it that way, until she meets Merideth, the slightly odd new girl at school, and believes she’s found a best friend and sister in one. Find many great new used options and get the best deals for The Stolen by Alex Shearer at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!. The Stolen by Shearer, Alex and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at www.doorway.ru