The Starboard Sea. by. Amber Dermont (Goodreads Author) · Rating details · 4, ratings · reviews. Set against the backdrop of the stock market collapse, The Starboard Sea is an examination of the abuses of class privilege, the mutability of sexual desire, the thrill and risk of competitive sailing and the adult cost of teenage recklessness/5. · Set against the backdrop of the stock market collapse, The Starboard Sea Amber Dermont is an examination of the abuses of class privilege, the mutability of sexual desire, the thrill and risk of competitive sailing, and the adult cost of teenage St. Martin's Publishing Group. Set against the backdrop of the stock market collapse, The Starboard Sea is an examination of the abuses of class privilege, the mutability of sexual desire, the thrill and risk of competitive sailing, and the adult cost of teenage recklessness. It is a powerful and provocative novel about a young man finding his moral center, trying to forgive himself, and accepting the gift of love.
Find many great new used options and get the best deals for The Starboard Sea by Amber Dermont (, Hardcover) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! The artistry and intellect of Amber Dermont has me feeling a bit out of my league when it comes to reviewing her work. Through "The Starboard Sea", I experienced a gorgeous landscape of reflections, insights, observation, emotion and passion, accessed through a thorny path of cruelty, narcissism, confusion, cynicism and compromise. THE STARBOARD SEA. by Amber Dermont Fiction. SO FAR AWAY. by Meg Mitchell Moore Fiction. THE YEAR OF THE GADFLY. by Jennifer Miller Fiction. WHITE OLEANDER. by Janet Fitch Fiction. THE STORY OF EDGAR SAWTELLE. by David Wroblewski View full list .
Set against the backdrop of the stock market collapse, The Starboard Sea Amber Dermont is an examination of the abuses of class privilege, the mutability of sexual desire, the thrill and risk of competitive sailing, and the adult cost of teenage recklessness. The Starboard Sea by Amber Dermont. Publication Date: Janu; Genres: Fiction; Paperback: pages; Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin; ISBN ; ISBN The Starboard Sea. by. Amber Dermont (Goodreads Author) · Rating details · 4, ratings · reviews. Set against the backdrop of the stock market collapse, The Starboard Sea is an examination of the abuses of class privilege, the mutability of sexual desire, the thrill and risk of competitive sailing and the adult cost of teenage recklessness.