· The Lord Came at Twilight by Mario Guslandi | | Reviews New England native Daniel Mills is the author of bunch of horror stories so far scattered in various journals and anthologies and of a novel entitled Revenants, published by the small British imprint Chomu Press. Contact Open Menu Close Menu Close Menu. · The Lord Came at Twilight is Daniel's first collection of short fiction, and includes fourteen stories: a dozen reprints and two originals. It was with great pleasure that I revisited the many stories that I have read previously in anthologies, and even greater pleasure to enjoy the stories I .
Daniel Mills, Hinesburg, Vermont. likes. Author of Revenants (Chomu Press, ), The Lord Came at Twilight (Dark Renaissance, ), Moriah (ChiZine Publications. ****The Lord Came at Twilight by Daniel Mills: Ooh, nice portrayal of a religious apocalypse. I especially liked how the story was centered around the decline in civilization and basic decency. ***The Secrets of the Universe by Michael Cisco. The Lord Came at Twilight, by Daniel Mills, Dark Renaissance Books. August 2, — 0 Comments. Social. View Teleread's profile on Facebook; View Teleread's profile on Twitter; Follow Us via Email. Click Here. Recent Comments.
Contact Open Menu Close Menu Close Menu. The Lord Came at Twilight presents 14 stories of doubt and despair, haunter and haunted, the deranged and the devout. Dark Renaissance Books is very proud to announce the first book in its Victorian imprint: THE LORD CAME AT TWILIGHT by Daniel Mills. Daniel Mills' The Lord Came At Twilight, is a short story collection that takes the reader on a deeply emotional journey into the darkest regions of our souls. The Lord Came At Twilight, almost feels like a book out of time, you can feel the ghosts of the past masters looking over the shoulder of Mills as he created this wonderful anthology.