Cover Reveal: The Binding Stone by Lisa Gail Green The word gorgeous hardly does this cover by Lisa Amowitz justice. It summons me into the world of Lisa Gail Green's Djinn Series akin to the way Bert and Mary melted through the chalk pictures in Mary Poppins. So begins 'The Binding Stone', one of the most intriguing openings I've ever come across. Leela is a Djinn (genie) awakened from sleep by an unwitting new Master, Jered. This is not the three wishes kind of genie, but a powerful enslaved Djinn, compelled to do whatever her Master of the day tells her to/5. Hook Me: The Binding Stone by Lisa Gail Green Title: The Binding Stone. Author: Lisa Gail Green. Publisher: Fuzzbom Publishing () Genre: YA Paranormal. Book Description: Tricked into slavery by the man she loved, the Djinni Leela has an eternity to regret her choices.
"Songstone sings with characters who come to life, a story full of magic, heart and adventure, and a world that lets you smell the sea air and feel the tropical sun on your back." (Lisa Gail Green, author of The Binding Stone). The Binding Stone book. Read reviews from world's largest community for readers. A thousand years of servitude has left Leela more than a little jaded. B. That's forty more years, plus seventy for copyright, so years. My poorest selling novel is DISTURB, which sells about copies a month for roughly $ In years, that's $, at the current 70% royalty rate, assuming steady sales.
So begins ‘The Binding Stone’, one of the most intriguing openings I’ve ever come across. Leela is a Djinn (genie) awakened from sleep by an unwitting new Master, Jered. This is not the three wishes kind of genie, but a powerful enslaved Djinn, compelled to do whatever her Master of the day tells her to. "I dream of Lisa Gail Green! THE BINDING STONE is magical in so many ways. My Djinn asks for my third wish? The sequel, of course!" -- Nancy Holder, NYT Bestselling Author, THE WOLF SPRINGS CHRONICLES "Genies like you've never seen them, THE BINDING STONE is a wild ride of treachery and deception. Author: Lisa Gail Green. Publisher: Fuzzbom Publishing () Overall Impression: The Binding Stone is told from the point of view of Leela, a djinni.